How you can support us as a partner – and what‘s in for you for being part of the Cloud Identity Summit.
Organized by the Azure Bonn Meetup, the Cloud Identity Summit has become an hybrid Conference with participants all over the world. The Cloud Identity Summit focuses on Identity Management and Identity Security, various aspects such as identity protection, managing external accounts, passwordless and much more. The Cloud Identity Summit is a free event that focuses on the exchange between the participants. The group of participants is international and comes from different areas and industries. We are not only focussing Microsoft technologies as well as technologies from the competitors. The format changed to a Hybrid conference with strong focus on the in-person part.
As a sponsor, you will have direct contact with our audience, who have a strong focus and background on cloud identity management and security, giving you the perfect platform to reach attendees focused on all aspects of cloud management and security.
Our international speakers with strong knowledge in the field ensure direct insights and first-hand feedback on these topics.

Interesting in other parts – like to sponsor the coffee break or other ideas? Please let use know and mail us community at